FBF: Chaitawat “Tong” Paisalsiri

tong paisalsiri

tong paisalsiri 1

tong paisalsiri 2

tong paisalsiri coverTGIF and it’s a public holiday today here in Thailand so it’s only fitting to feature a hot, hunky and handsome Thai model like Chaitawat “Tong” Paisalsiri whose photos above were taken from the same magazine published a few months ago, where he posed along with singers turned poster boys “Hut” Jiravich Pongpaijit and “Panjan” Kawin Imanothai.

#TakeMeBackTuesday: Mario Maurer Look-Alike Mossen Sripen’s Nude Past

Mossen Sripen Mario Maurer Look-a-Like 2At first glance, you may thought this is Mario Maurer — the super sexy hottie version. But actually, you’re looking at 22 years old model and fitness instructor, Mossen Sripen.

And for some reason that you can’t see that humongous resemblance, here’s a photo opp of Mossen with Mario for your further scrutiny. . .

Mossen Sripen Mario Maurer Look-a-Like

Just so you know, Mossen is a “favorite” subject of one of Thailand’s famous photographers (his name mentioned in the watermark above) and people from the modeling industry. Not surprised at all since he has that combined gorgeous body and angelic face (like that of Mario) to flaunt.





Mossen Sripen Nude Dried Flowers

But little did you know, before Mossen achieve that modeling success that he’s enjoying right now, he posed nude for a Thai gay magazine some years ago.

Here are the NSFW nude photos of the then young and unknown Mossen for our #TakeMeBackTuesday delight. . .

Mossen Sripen Nude Covered Mossen Sripen Nude Back

Mossen Sripen VPL Photoshoot 2A

And of course, the 2 versions of the VPL (Visible Penis Line) using 2 different photo apps to visibly enhance the object subject (MAJOR NSFW ALERT!!!). . .









Mossen Sripen VPL Photoshoot 1B Mossen Sripen VPL Photoshoot 1A

Not yet done dearie! Here are the screenshots from the behind-the-scene video of that magazine. . .

Mossen Sripen VPL 1A Mossen Sripen VPL 1B

Mossen Sripen VPL 3A Mossen Sripen VPL 3B

Mossen Sripen VPL 2A Mossen Sripen VPL 2B

Mossen Sripen VPL 4A Mossen Sripen VPL 4B

Now that you’ve seen the evidences above, who is your favorite “it” boy now? Is it still Mario Maurer or Mossen Sripen? 😉

Arrow Handsome Man 2012

Arrow is one of my favorite brands that I usually wear for my work. Stylish and comfy, that’s how I fell in love with Arrow.

I’ve fallen for it even more when they held Arrow Handsome Man 2012, a contest in search for Thailand’s most handsome man with positive thinking and attitude.

After 6-week activities, the 11 finalists have received incredible experience including modeling, fashion show, grooming skill, personality development and camaraderie.

Here are the candidates. . .


A2 Nico Wokurka

A3 Panut Sujirungkul

A4 Trisanu Soranun





A9 Weeraphat Bee Paophongpraserd


A12 Likhit Butprom

Open for ages 18-25 years old, many aspiring lads went for the go-see including our very own Justin Agustin. . .

Justin (second from left, #13)

Justin (front row, right side)

With that angelic face and hot body, I just wonder why Justin did not make it at all . . .

Moving on, here are the Top 6 (from left to right) during the grand final night:  A4, A3, A9, A12, A6 and A7 . . .

And the winners are…drum rolls…

From Left to Right: A12 (1st Runner Up), A4 (Arrow Handsome Man 2012), A3 (2nd Runner Up)

With their cash prizes. . .

Post Note: A6 candidate posed two years ago for a sexy magazine catered for the gay audience prior to this contest. Here are some of the pics. . .

Agree? I mean, both the winners and the sexy magazine exposure of A6? ;P